Highly sensitive
If so, you may be highly sensitive and stand to benefit greatly from a highly sensitive coach. 15-20% of people are highly sensitive and have a different threshold of perception than others. Take the 15 minutes test to determine whether you are highly sensitive by following the link below:
Highly gifted
If so, you could be one of the 2% of highly gifted people with an IQ >130. In coaching, you’ll want to be challenged and expect a coach who can match your pace and provide you with new ideas and perspectives.
You may also be highly gifted & highly sensitive if:
Your childhood was characterized by too much responsibility too early, which you may have experienced positively, but still overwhelmed you. Because a child can’t find answers to questions, it has to feel/sense what might be good. It develops its personality because of a constant cycle of thinking, feeling and self-doubt, which leads it tends to permanently overextend itself.